IV Vitamin Therapy

Feeling Run Down? Try Our IV Vitamin Therapy Treatments

Intravenous vitamin therapy is the quickest way to get relief from day-to-day symptoms! Nutrients are sent straight into your bloodstream, so you can feel results faster and more effectively. Our special selection of IV drip therapy target common concerns like fatigue, lack of focus, stress, weakened immunity and skin issues.

Plus - it's cost effective when you book multiple sessions at once! So why wait any longer? Get the relief you need - fast!

woman in nude pantsuit holding head in pain

IV Drip Therapy Options

IV Vitamin Infusion Therapy Menu

  • Super Purge Drip

    Formulated to support the body’s natural detox pathways for better health and slower signs of aging. Our Super Purge drip contains: B Complex, high dose glutathione, vitamin C, Zinc, Magnesium

  • Hydration

    Addresses symptoms associated with dehydration and low energy.

  • Energy

    Feeling tired? Clinical studies have shown that a high dose of Vitamin C delivered through IV Therapy can help fight fatigue. We also know B vitamins work to speed up metabolism, improve mental clarity, and boost physical energy and endurance. Combined in this IV drip, these nutrients work together to get you feeling energized and revitalized.

  • Stress

    Our custom IV Drip Therapy for Stress combines Vitamin C and Glutathione to help your body recover from inflammation caused by stress, diet, viral infections or toxic exposure. This 45-60 minute treatment helps reduce inflammation and improve fatigue so you can feel energized and more like yourself.

  • Focus

    Our Focus IV Drip is an easy and relaxing way to enhance mental clarity and concentration. Its specially-formulated nutrients help boost brain function, allowing you to stay sharp and focused when you need it most!  All you need to do is bring something to make yourself comfortable during the 45-60 minute experience, and you'll be feeling refreshed in no time.

  • Immunity

    Boost your immunity and feel your best with Vitamin C and Zinc! This power combo works to neutralize harmful free radicals and keep white blood cells healthy, giving your immune system the boost it needs. Experience 45-60 minutes of relaxation when you come in for treatment - all you need is a book or something to help you stay comfortable!

  • Skin & Hair

    Our Skin & Hair IV Drip Therapy helps improve skin appearance from the inside out. It contains biotin and vitamin C, which have been clinically proven to reduce wrinkles, fine lines and signs of aging, as well as promoting hair growth for healthier locks. Enjoy a relaxing 45-60 minute experience that will leave you feeling refreshed and revitalized.

  • Health (NAD+)

    NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is an essential molecule the body uses to repair DNA, regulate cells’ metabolism, and control the aging process. NAD+ plays a key role in brain function as we get older but as we age, these levels begin to decline. NAD occurs naturally in your body and plays a key role in cell function. Our Health & Hydration IV Drip Therapy replenishes your NAD+ supply to help boost cell function, improving mental stamina, energy, inflammation, and overall physical health.

    It’s a relaxing experience that lasts about 3 hours. Once your IV is inserted, feel free to read or listen to music. You can sit back and relax while the NAD+ hydrates your body and works to improve brain function, energy, and inflammation. After about 3 hours, you’ll feel refreshed and be ready to take on your day.


Do you ever feel like you're just not getting the nutrients you need? If so, IV vitamin therapy may be the solution for you. This treatment can give your body the boost it needs to feel its best. Here are some of the benefits of IV vitamin therapy.

  • Increased Absorption

    IV hydration can help to increase the absorption of nutrients and medications. When you consume food or drinks orally, they must first be broken down in the stomach before they can be absorbed into the bloodstream. However, when nutrients and medications are delivered directly into the bloodstream via IV, they bypass the digestive system and are immediately available for use by the body.

  • Improved Mood

    IV vitamin therapy can also help to improve your mood. If you are feeling anxious or down, the vitamins and minerals in the IV drip can help to lift your spirits and improve your outlook on life. The nutrients in the IV drip can help to stabilize your mood and make you feel more positive about yourself and your surroundings.

  • Quicker Rehydration

    IV hydration is also an effective way to rehydrate the body quickly. When you are dehydrated, your body is unable to function at its best. IV hydration can help to replenish the fluids and electrolytes that have been lost due to dehydration, resulting in improved energy levels and cognitive function.

  • Enhanced Immunity

    Another benefit of IV vitamin therapy is that it can help to enhance your immunity. If you are constantly getting sick or seem to catch every cold that comes around, a vitamin IV drip can help to boost your immune system and help you fight off illness more effectively. The vitamins and minerals in the IV drip can help to fortify your body against infection and make it easier for you to recover from illness if you do happen to get sick.

  • Faster Recovery from Illness or Injury

    If you are recovering from an illness or injury, IV vitamin therapy can help you recover more quickly. The vitamins and minerals in the IV drip can help to speed up the healing process and get you back on your feet sooner than if you were not receiving treatment. 

blonde woman touching her toes in a yoga position

The Truth About IV Hydration

IV Hydration Therapy is becoming a popular trend, but there is still a lot of misinformation out there. We're here to set the record straight and answer some of your most frequently asked questions about IV hydration therapy.

  • How do I know which IV Vitamin Therapy option is right for me?

    There are a lot of different IV Vitamin Therapy options offered here at Purge Wellness, and it can be tough to know which one is right for you. However, by doing some research and talking to your doctor, you can make an informed decision. If you're looking for an IV Vitamin Therapy option that will help you with energy levels, then look for one that contains vitamins B12 and B6. If you're experiencing joint pain, then look for an option that contains vitamin C. And if you're wanting to detoxify your body, then look for an option that contains glutathione. 

    With so many different IV Vitamin Therapy options available, you're sure to find one that's perfect for you. We are also here to help and guide you to choose the best one for your health and wellbeing goals. 

  • How often should I get an IV Vitamin Therapy drip?

    As for how often you should get an IV Vitamin Therapy drip, that will depend on your individual needs. Some people may need one drip per week, while others may need one drip every month. Ultimately, it's up to you to decide how often you want to get an IV Vitamin Therapy drip based on your own unique needs.

  • Are there any side effects?

    Most people don’t experience any side effects from IV therapy, but some may feel a slight pinch when the needle is inserted. In rare cases, people may experience bruising or inflammation at the site of the injection. If you have any concerns about possible side effects, be sure to speak with your doctor or medical professional before starting IV therapy. 

Looking For Another Service?

Whether you're in need of a little pampering or a major transformation, we have a treatment that's right for you. Our services include botox, fillers, microneedling, chemical peels, IV hydration, and facials. If you're ready to feel more confident and radiant, we invite you to visit us today.

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Have You Heard of Microneedling?

Facials are a great way to pamper yourself and give your skin some extra love. But with so many different types of facials out there, it can be hard to know which one is right for you. If you're looking for a facial that will leave your skin looking and feeling its best, try a microneedling facial at Purge Wellness. Our estheticians are expertly trained in performing microneedling facials, so you can be confident you're in good hands. 


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